Les Stein is a prodigious writer of Jungian books, and we are proud to announce the arrival of his latest book The Self in Jungian Psychology: Theory and Clinical Practice. The book draws together Jung’s statements about the Self in all its contexts to identify what it indeed means and how it should be applied in modern analytical practice.
An “Introduction to Alchemy” class took place during the 2020 fall semester at the C.G. Jung Institute of New York, in which we undertook the study of that obscure art in the midst of the pandemic, while this country, and most of the rest of the world, were submerged in what the alchemists might have
It’s not the people with the best ideas that direct the course of history, but the people with the most determination. Many of the movers and shakers of the world are compulsive. Part of the purpose of the book and the Healthy Compulsive Project blog are to help the people who are driven or compulsive to contribute what they can, rather than have their energy cause conflict and depression.
Assisi Institute The International Center For The Study Of Archetypal Patterns Presents: An Archetypal and Clinical Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Ravages of Denial and the Migration and Mutation of Forgotten Contents Saturday March 28th at 1:30pm-3pm EST It may seem absurd to suggest that the attitude of the individual to his personal conflicts
Sarah Jackson, MFA, MA, LP It is my pleasure to report that, after spending the last week in August in Vienna attending the Twenty-first IAAP conference, Depth Psychology and Jung’s legacy are alive and flourishing. When I approached the front steps of the University of Vienna for the first time and saw the large banner announcing the
On June 2 NYAAP voted to accept Sanford Drob, Ph.D., as an Honorary Member of NYAAP. Sandy has contributed to the field of analytical psychology as both teacher and author. Some of his contributions are manifest in three of his most recent books: Kabbalistic Visions: C.G. Jung and Jewish Mysticism, (2010), Reading the Red Book:
NYAAP is happy to welcome Jungian analyst Hilda Seidman.
The C. G. Jung Institute of New York, the training institute of the New York Association for Analytical Psychology, is known internationally for its commitment to excellence. In an effort to enrich both Americans and Chinese, the Institute hosted 25 students from the People’s Republic of China led by their professor Gao Lan Shen on
Carl Jung famously wrote that the gods have become diseases. What he meant was that because we no longer consciously acknowledge the powerful forces we used to call gods and goddesses, they’ve gone underground and manifest in our physical and mental ailments. However fantastic they might seem, they are still forces to be reckoned with.
Such is certainly the case with the Greek goddess Ananke.
My point exactly. We don’t recognize her because she doesn’t fit in with the need to control.

In this post Alexandra Krithades, NYAAP member and President of the C.G. Jung Institute of New York, describes the role that she feels psychoanalysis needs to play in helping clients deal with the impact of dramatic social change, and the role that psychoanalysts themselves must play in this era. Her essay was originally posted at TherapyRoute.com.
Gary Trosclair, DMA, LCSW, President, NYAAP
Last month I was elected president of The New York Association for Analytical Psychology (NYAAP), our community of Jungian analysts in the New York metropolitan area. This new position has led me to reflect on our vision for NYAAP, and, closely related, the role of community in individuation.
NYAAP evolved from a group of analysts who had trained and analyzed with Jung in Zurich and then came together in New York in the 1930s to share their experience and develop their ideas about psychological transformation. They felt that by coming together they could better share what they had learned with the larger community. But more importantly they could amplify their own engagement with Psyche. They formed a learning community, but it wasn’t just academic.