On Sunday, June 2 NYAAP voted unanimously to welcome Hilda Seidman, M.F.A., L.P., as a new member. Hilda is a graduate of the C.G. Jung Institute of New York, and has a private practice on Fifth Avenue in midtown Manhattan.
Her training thesis was entitled Redeeming the Feminine Divine: Encountering Gnostic Sophia, a copy of which is available in the Kristine Mann Library. This subject also led her to receive The Kristrine Mann Research Award. She presented the results of her research in a paper entitled The Anamnesis of Sophia.
She recently gave a talk entitled Silence for the C.G. Jung Foundation as well as teaching an advanced seminar expanding and exploring the Gnostic influence on Jungian psychoanalytic theory.
She holds a Master’s degree in Fine Arts from the University of Washington’s Professional Actors’ Training Program. Her strong background in acting and education have both served as excellent preparation to do deep, sensitive Jungian analytic work. We’re very happy to have her join us.